Frozen shoulder is a disease in which the shoulder gets stiff and the free movement of the joint becomes difficult or sometimes even impossible called adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder joint. It can occur because of injury, overuse, and disease like diabetes and stroke. The tissue around the joint stiffens leading to scar tissue generation and movements become difficult and painful. It comes and slowly goes away within a time period of almost one year. The incidence of pain is not age specific, the younger generation is more prone to suffer from such pain. In a few, it is momentary and lasts only a few months. Frozen shoulder is related to Apabahuka in Ayurveda which usually affects the shoulder joint because of vitiation of Vata dosha. According to Ayurveda, wasting of the shoulder is considered as the preliminary stage of the disease and the stiffness which occurs is the contribution of Kapha dosha. In many patients, because of the involvement of Kapha dosha cold exposure is felt at night time and the stiffness worsens.
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