REMA TIP TOP is a pioneer of the rubber manufacturing industry with innovation and technological developments stretching throughout its almost 100-year history. In the Automotive industry, we lead the global market in tyre repair materials and products - "Everything for Tyres and Wheels".
As one of the biggest specialists in the world for the repair of tyres of all kinds, REMA TIP TOP actively contributes to and drives change in the automobile sector through its safe, environmentally-friendly and efficient products and systems solutions – a core capability given the need for climate protection, emission control legislation and finite oil reserves.
Our tyre repair kits, along with other products like tyre pressure gauges, bead breakers, continue to set the global standard for quality and performance, helping us maintain our leadership position in the industry.
REMA TIP TOP tyre and tube Repair products continually set the benchmark for quality and performance globally and constantly maintain the company’s position at the forefront of the industry.
Talk to us today about:
• Tyre Repair & Retreading
• Tyre Fitting & Handling
• Valves & Valve Accessories
• Balance Weights & Compounds
• Air Tools & Inflation
• Jacking & Lifting
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