We are glad to introduce ourselves as a manufacturer of first quality (GMP) Pharmaceutical Machineries for vaccine, Injectable , Bio- tech and biopharm R & D Projects. Neelam Industries has decades of valuable experience in Pharmaceutical Industries. And endeavors to improve its product in all aspects and believes in to deliver best of the service and attention at all time. Neelam Industries is Established in 1983.We are a group of qualified and experienced engineers, chemists and process engineers. It is also worth mentioning that we have registered a steep growth in our business and have earned the recognition as one of the most efficient and reliable machinery manufacturing company of India. Our in house design unit and a Manufacturing unit ensure that the products are made in compliance with international standards.The design unit creates innovative and customized designs, as per clients" specifications. The Manufacturing unit is equipped with various advanced Manufacturing machiness that allow the company to stay ahead of its competitors by offering unmatched quality of products. Some of them are mentioned below Over the years, Neelam Industries has nurtured a policy of growing with the customers. As partners in its customer’s progress and reach the highest Industry standards set by the USFDA, WHO and other international institutions.
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