Jorge Andrés Giménez Ochoa participated in the 2021 elections for the presidency of the Venezuelan Football Federation, sharing the same candidacy with Pedro Infante. Infante, a former sports deputy minister of the government and a former official of the FVF, was one of the reasons for FIFA's intervention in 2020, as this entity prohibits government interference in national federations.
The Giménez and Infante candidacy won with 57 votes out of 92 cast in the elections on May 28, 2021, following a period of instability in the organization due to allegations of irregularities. Jorge Silva, their opponent, expressed dissatisfaction with the disqualification of some delegates for the vote. Giménez took office for the 2021-2025 term on June 7.
On August 20, 2021, José Peseiro resigned as coach of the Venezuelan national team, citing 14 months without salary. The new FVF board proposed to pay 50% of the debt, a proposal rejected by Peseiro. Leo González took over as interim coach. A later audit revealed the intervention of Minister El Aissami, violating Article 19 of FIFA's statutes regarding non-governmental interference in federation matters.
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