After qualifying as a lawyer within the fields of Criminal and Public Law, Dr. Hassan Mohsen Elhais has been practicing as a Legal Consultant in Dubai since 2006.
Working exclusively with Awatif Mohammad Shoqi Advocates & Legal Consultancy, Dr. Hassan has a strong ethical stance with regards to the place of the law firm, from clarity on the legal process through to the fee system.
Specialising in the drafting of all statement of claim, memos and consultation with regards to all kind of litigations,
He has drafted and supervised drafting in many cases in all areas of law for the last eighteen years.
Specialities: Following are the services which are offered by Awatif Mohammad Shoqi Advocates & Legal Consultancy
* Civil cases whether compensation or financial claim.
* Commercial cases
* Drafting of Contracts and Incorporation companies
* Criminal & Traffic Cases
* Arbitration Cases
* Real Estate Disputes
* Rental Cases at Dubai Municipality
* Sharia Cases
* Labour cases
* Legacy & Legal Heir Certification.
* Property Cases
* Marine Cases
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